On this day in 1994, I was arrested by the U.S. Secret Service for the exercise of my First Amendment rights in that I was highly critical of President William Jefferson Clinton, the first president to impeached since Andrew Johnson in 1868, and felon (not indicted) who committed two serious federal crimes during the Lewinsky oral sex scandal of 1998.

During the course of the investigation of my alleged crime - the attempted assassination of President Clinton - the U.S. Secret Service would continue to rape the U.S. Constitution with violations of my civil rights under the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments. They would also ignore the "Great Writ" - The Writ of Habeas Corpus and kidnap me me for a period of nearly two weeks in a locked mental ward.

In due course, I would come to trial and be found guilty of "only" one offense of the many charges filed against me on February 17, 1994 - 18 USC 871 - "Threat against the president" and sentenced to five years in federal prison, three years probation and a fine of $250,000. I would serve this sentence in a number of federal prisons and be twice the victim of attempted assassination by fellow inmates, perhaps at the direction of the U.S. Secret Service. I would be released on June 26, 1998 to start life again after being illegally imprisoned in some of the worse correctional facilities in the United States.

This story is told here.

I successfully completed my court ordered three years of probation on June 26, 2001 with no violations. This marked the closure of my case, "The United States of America v. Ronald Gene Barbour." I was informed by my probation officer that if I kept a "clean nose" the U.S. Federal Government had no more interest in me. In short, he said I was free as a bird! However, the U.S. Secret Service had other ideas...

The story is told here in detail on this website.

The short of it is that I have been ruthlessly targeted as a "PERSON OF INTEREST" by the U.S. Secret Service for the last seventeen years at the cost of millions of taxpayer dollars and countless man hours of useless work by the U.S. Secret Service. This official terrorism has only served to keep me poor unemployed and on the run. Since 2001 I have lived in the following states: Florida, Texas, California, Nevada, Utah and Montana in a quest for privacy. The outcome is always the same: The U.S. Secret Service starts a campaign against my employers and landlords - In time I'm usually asked to move on. Some years ago "Les Miz" was popular as a Broadway play and movie: I'm living "Les Miz" on a daily basis. I own the role of Jean Val Jean.

I have to ask myself - what is the real reason behind the civil war launched against me by the U.S. Secret Service? I think the official reason they would give that I am a threat to the presidency runs contrary to the facts. The real reason for this "Secret Civil War" has to do with the fact that I'm a proud WASP Southerner, decorated U.S. Army veteran and prolific writer who owns five blogs and continues to be highly critical of the U.S. Secret Service and the presidency. I was told by Senior Special Agent John Francis McKenna at FCI Coleman on March 15, 1998 that I was not to publish anything concerning my case or its aftermath; that for me the First Amendment did not exist.

This is how the "Secret Civil War" stands today. The "Order of Battle" is decidedly against me, but the advantage is not all to the stronger Superpower side. For instance, in less than an hour I can abandon my current position and move to another anywhere in the country within 24 hours. In three days, I could be anywhere in the world living under any identity. I have studied the campaigns of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, fine Southern gentlemen and rebels who nearly threw Federals out of the Confederacy. These generals were the masters of popping up in force to surprise and defeat superior numbers.

I have another advantage unknown to these rebels of old - a laptop computer and the Internet. These high technologies used with my inalienable right to freedom of speech gives me the high ground on which I can stand to watch my powerful enemy maneuver in the valley below me. In terms of chess, I have become the knight - a high value player that flies around the chessboard and does considerable damage to the opposition pieces. It is well said by Patrick Henry that the battle does not always go in favor of the stronger side.

How will this "Secret Civil War" end? Obviously, in the checkmate of the white king that the white knight defends. In other words, my death. No, I'm not playing the defeatist card here, I'm simply being the realist. I think some fine day, the case officer in Washington, D.C. in charge of black conflict will conclude the obvious, the Federal side is losing the "Secret Civil War" and issue verbal orders to lower ranking SS officer to terminate "Team Ronbo" with extreme prejudice and I will be murdered.

Until that "Appomattox Day" this white knight keeps flying across the chessboard taking out black pawns, black bishops, and black knights in dubious battle.


  1. But it's okay because I was born on that day.


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