Mark Sullivan (a.k.a. "Shit Head Mark") was Director of the U.S. Secret Service during the Benghazi Massacre of our Libyan ambassador and his heroic special forces operatives who were killed along with him on 9/11/12. Unfortunately for the American Republic, Mark Sullivan is a worthless parasite and spineless jelly fish who, even though retired and living large on a generous taxpayer funded account, refuses all efforts made by this journalist - and many others - to tell where President Obama was located for the seven hours it took for a couple of hundred dastardly and cowardly Islamofascist terrorists to murder our gallant men at Benghazi. I would remind Retired Citizen Mark Sullivan that he took a sacred oath before God to support and defend the Republic against all enemies, and clearly President Obama has become the greatest enemy of the American People in our history; therefore, any member of Obama's Executive Branch, ac...